

a little of this and that

On my quest/search for my perfect match, I have come to realize that Mr. Whomever-He-Might-Be has got some pretty big shoes to fill. Not because my past boyfriends have been so extremely wonderful...there is a reason they carry the ex title...but because I see such wonderfulness in my friends boyfriends, fiancés, and husbands. Please don't take this the wrong way, the men in my friends' lives are perfect fits for each of my friends...not me...however, each one of these men have qualities that I am wishing to find in my Mr. Right.

Like in the movie Practical Magic I wish I could take a little bit of this and a little bit of that from each of my friends' perfect partners to make mine.

Young Sally: He will hear my call a mile away, he will whistle my favorite song, he can ride a pony backwards-

Young Gilly: What are you doing?

Young Sally: I'm summoning up a true love spell called amas veritas, he can flip pancakes in the air, he will be marvelously kind, and his favorite shape will be a star. And he'll have one green eye, one blue.

Young Gilly: I thought you never wanted to fall in love.

Young Sally: That's the point. The guy I dreamed up doesn't exist, and if he doesn't exist, I'll never die of a broken heart.

The only difference being that I do want to fall in love...the really good kind...which reminds me of another Practical Magic quote...

Do you ever put your arms out and spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what love is like. Makes your heart race, turns your world upside down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You can't see what's happening to the people around can't see that you're about to fall...

I want...a husband I can't stop kissing. Btw, my favorite about all of these quotes is that Sally Sandra Bullock does meet this man that she didn't think existed and fell head over heels in love. It will happen to me's just not quite ready to happen...yet.

With that nice long are the qualities that I would like to put together to make my impossible man. Note to friends: don't worry if your boyfriend, fiancés, or husband is not mentioned...I probably forgot how amazing they are :)

...a little of this...and a little of that...

Neal-not only his incredible Cubs season tickets which he so generously allows me to purchase occasionally but his overall love for sports and ability to care about his wife's friends and his sense of humor

Ted-not afraid to take on a project or to share his hobbies with the woman he loves

Dan-wanting for nothing more than to reflect on old memories and make new...better ones

Braun-the need to have his fiancé with him in any event whether it is trying a new experience or repeating the same mundane tasks of everyday life...needing her almost like air to breathe

Adam-the ability to switch gears in a second from sports crazy maniac to gentle compassionate friend

Ben-the security of who he is which allows for his wife to be secure in herself and her decisions...the ability to be independent with someone you love

Will-his dedication and loyalty to everyone he cares about...friends, family, etc. also his inability to lie

Tony-the comfort of knowing you are everything to your wife and she is everything to you...oh yeah, and his raunchy sense of humor which turns you beet red while laughing your pants off

Kevin-sharing the love of a hobby like camping, hiking, training for a half marathon so completely with his wife that the two are essentially one

Matt-having fun at every turn, letting things roll off his back with the greatest of ease, and his patience with kids

The men in my friend's lives have made them incredibly happy. It seems that I am always building my friends it's time to thank their better halves for my friends have only gotten better, more complete since these men have come into their lives. Thank it's my turn :)


  1. Anonymous5/06/2009

    Neal is definately the best looking too!

  2. Georgjean5/06/2009

    soooo sweet Anne! Thanks for all of your authentic words about yourself and Ted, of course. Georgjean

  3. Anonymous5/06/2009

    you need to remind me more often to read your blogs. you are so witty and i've enjoyed browsing again so much! thank you for the kind words about daniel. you forgot to mention that he's just plain "amazing"....i could go on and on... and i also give you a high five for the maturity blog. such truth to your words.

  4. kristen t.5/06/2009

    Awww...I love it! And we love you! And I love love love all that is Practical Magic... You are amazing, you WILL find that perfect mate, and you WILL live happily ever after. :)
